All Ontologies Used in The Meaning Negotiation Process

Lastname: Graba

Firstname: Djoher Dalila


Affiliation: LabRi-SBA Lab., Ecole Superieure en Informatique, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria.

In meaning negotiation process, the data Source is defined as ontologies. Ontologies improve the semantic of data and facilitate data recovery. The meaning negotiation process is instantiating by scenarios in different domains and different contextual situation. Before launching the process, authors built the contextual ontologies in the specified situation and reach for the domain ontologies associated. In this page, authors presented a knowledge base of contextual and domain ontologies used.

After lunching the meaning negotiation process, authors merge the contextual ontologies with part of domain ontologies. Then, authors relaunch again the process replacing the domain ontologies by the merged ontologies results.

On this page, authors present all ontologies need to lunch meaning negotiation scenario. The ontologies are presented in owl format. These ontologies represent a knowledge base in case a researcher wants to repeat the experiences.

For this, authors share three files:

  • Domain Ontologies File: contain a document that referred all the sources link to access the domain ontologies.
  • Contextual Ontologies File: contain the build contextual ontologies that represents the context of agents in each scenario.  The sub file contains the contextual ontologies of each agent negotiator in the specific domain.
  • Merging ontologies Result File: contain the merged ontologies results. Authors merge the ontologies (a part of selected domain ontology with contextual ontology) for each scenario using MOnSE merging method.