DIF Nassima

Maître de conférences B

Structure de rattachement

  • ESI SBA - Ecole Supèrieure en Informatique de Sidi Bel Abbès
  • Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LabRI-SBA) de l’ESI-SBA

Axes de recherche

  • Apprentissage automatique, Apprentissage profond, Classification des images, Sélection des attributs.

Equipe de recherche

  • Service Oriented Computing SOC


Semestre 1 :

  • Apprentissage automatique et fouille de données (ISI- SITW) (Cours – TD).
  • Algorithmique et structure de données (1CPI) (TP)

2018 -2021:

  • Algorithmique (Faculté des Sciences Techniques – UDL), Cours. 2020-2021
  • Algorithmique (Faculté des Sciences Techniques – UDL), TP. 2018-2020
  • Bureautique (Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Humaines – UDL), TD, 2018-2021
  • Système d’exploitation 2 (Faculté des Sciences Exactes – UDL), TP, 2018-2019


Publications Internationales (Revues, Journaux& Livres)

  1. Dif, N., Attaoui, M. O., Elberrichi, Z., Lebbah, M., & Azzag, H. (2021). Transfer learning from synthetic labels for histopathological images classification. Applied Intelligence, 1-20.

  2. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2021). A Novel Dynamic Hybridization Method for Best Feature Selection. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC), 12(2), 85-99.

  3. Benkhlaed, H. N., Berrabah, D., Dif, N., & Boufares, F. (2021). An Automatic Blocking Keys Selection For Efficient Record Linkage. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI), 11(1), 53-70.

  4. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2020). Efficient Regularization Framework for Histopathological Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI), 14(4), 62-81.

  5. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2020). A new deep learning model selection method for colorectal cancer classification. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), 11(3), 72-88.

  6. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2020). A new intra fine-tuning method between histopathological datasets in deep learning. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET), 11(2), 16-40

  7. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2020). Deep Learning Methods for Mitosis Detection in Breast Cancer Histopathological Images: A Comprehensive Review. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Digital Pathology, 279-306.

  8. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2020). A Comparative Study Among Recursive Metaheuristics for Gene Selection. In Handbook of Research on Advancements of Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Solving Real-World Problems (pp. 43-62). IGI Global.

  9. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2019). An Enhanced Recursive Firefly Algorithm for Informative Gene Selection. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), 10(2), 21-33.

  10. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2018). A multi-verse optimizer approach for instance selection and optimizing 1-NN algorithm. International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications (IJSITA), 9(2), 35-49.

Publications Nationales (Revues, Journaux& Livres)

Communications Internationales

  1. Dif, N., walid Attaoui, M., & Elberrichi, Z. (2018, December). Gene selection for microarray data classification using hybrid meta-heuristics. In International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems (pp. 119-132). Springer, Cham.

  2. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2018). IICBU 2008 Lymphoma Dataset: Overview and Deep Learning Application. In International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing (CITIM).

  3. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2017). Microarray data feature selection and classification using an enhanced multi-verse optimizer and support vector machine. In 3rd international conference on networking and advanced systems.

Communications nationales

  1. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2019). A new intra fine-tuning method between histopathological datasets in deep learning. Journée doctorale de faculté des sciences exactes (JDFSE).
  2. Dif, N., & Elberrichi, Z. (2019). How transferable are features between histopathological datasets. Ateliers SACONET.


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  • Doctorat 3 éme Cycle, spécialité technologie de l’information. Université Djillali Liabes(UDL), Sidi Bel Abbes. 2020

  • Master en informatique, option : Web et ingénierie des connaissances (WIC), Université Djillali Liabes(UDL), Sidi Bel Abbes. 2017

  • Licence en informatique, option : Système d’information et technologie web (SITW), Université Djillali Liabes(UDL), Sidi Bel Abbes. 2015

  • Baccalauréat série mathématique, Lycée Azza Abdelkader, Sidi Bel Abbes. 2012


  • Ingénieur de développement, Société Hasnaoui (GSH) Sidi-Bel-Abbès. Mars- Aout 2020
  • Enseignant vacataire aux facultés des sciences exactes, des sciences techniques, et des sciences humaines et sociales (UDL), Sidi-Bel-Abbès. 2018-2021